Josh Gallivan

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Arrival in New Zealand

Its always a long flight to New Zealand, and no matter how long or short your trip anywhere,  you learn to change your thoughts. Luckily I flew Air New Zealand, and they really took care of me. For dinner I had the choice of either chicken or beef and you know what? I ordered them both. Furthermore the “Bar Cart” kept coming by and I had multiple scotches while talking to my friends John and Elsie from England. They were on their way from England all the way to New Zealand, to attend their sons wedding. I attempted to watch a few movies on the 13 hour flight but got bored quick. I slept most of the way and woke up quite refreshed for breakfast, which included eggs yogurt and fruit. After a few hour layover in Auckland, (the largest polynesian city) I caught a flight to Queens town which is on the south Island. Im staying with friends right now while I sort out my van. In New Zealand you have to have a warrant of fitness and registration to drive. The warrant is quite hard to come by and any shop can deny it, for something as simple as old wiper blades. That being said you can bet most vehicles on the road here are newer vehicles.

So luckily after buying a new tire today I passed the Warrant of Fitness, and tomorrow I have to register the vehicle and do some last minute fixes. By monday I should be all set to hit the road and start camping and fishing my way around for three months! Like my friend Thomas Mcguane said “Angling is where the child, if not the infant,  gets to go on living.

-Josh Gallivan




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