Guides trip 2013
Every year 10 or so of the coolest guides on earth get together to take over the world. We at Grand Teton Fly Fishing know how to party. Our trip this year consisted of Scott Smith, Neil Chamberlin, Ben Brennan, Jeff Currier, Max Laprade, Tom Montgomery, Dave Smith, and myself. It was a great end of the year trip with many fish caught and many wild times. We fished some of our home water here in wyoming, ate like kings, and took lots of pictures. We were expecting the nymph fishing to be all time, and we all showed up with our best san juan worm boxes. To our surprise the dry fly activity was amazing.
Mimi and I are coming to Jackson Sept. 6th through 9th. Leaving on the 10th , Want to fish the 7th, 8th and or the 9th? Can you guide two of the days?
Where is a nice place to stay?
Dick Tash