Josh Gallivan

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Monthly Archives: October 2017

I survived guide season then went fishing

As the season is coming to a close, I have more and more free time to go fishing. I’ve been waiting all summer for my chance to sit in the bow, so when Tom Montgomery and Neil Chamberlin asked if I wanted to join yesterday, I said hell yes. We left town way too early. […]

Fly Fishing Jenny Lake

For years, Jenny lake has been one of my favorite places to fly fish. Most people avoid lakes all together because they don’t know how to fish them. It’s one of my favorite environments to catch fish in, and it is great practice when it comes to feeding much bigger saltwater fish on the flats. […]


August started with a broken motor mount on Yellowstone Lake. Luckily Anderson and Becker were cool about it and were happy just listening to trap music and eating fried chicken. I fished with Bill and Paula who are long time regulars who I’ve always loved fishing with. We floated the dam stretch and had superb […]